Stake HFI and earn ETH rewards.

Stake HFI for sHFI at a 1:1 ratio.

Unstake anytime with no penalties.

Protocol revenue is streamed to the staking pool, accruing yield 24/7.

Stakers accrue a share of the yield proportional to their sHFI balance.

Pending rewards may be claimed anytime with zero fees or cooldowns.

Coming soon.

Contract Deployment Network Contract Address
$HFI Token Ethereum Mainnet 0x0737A274f9A4bCb523cfa93FaBaaB74200Cfbd37
$sHFI Token Ethereum Mainnet
$sHFI Rewards Pool Ethereum Mainnet
Uniswap V2 Pair ($HFI / $WETH) Ethereum Mainnet 0xD3AfB578B555598c13fbF67Df0F08412D0932521